
The industrial know-how, analytical estimation and special experimentation proves that reduction in quality variation of the ore feed for processing can essentially raise productivity and improve final product quality at cheapening of the production at the same time. In pota sh production, the ore quality stabilization by the potassium content criterion enables a high economic profit owing to the increased recovery of the useful component, reduced consumption of chemical agents, saving of power and fuel, decreased losses of KCl with tailings, deloading of salt dumps and tailings ponds and, finally, the environmental destressing. Alongside with the technological blending of ore flow (reclaiming rooms, reservoirs, warehouses, etc.), there are potentially much cheaper managerial approaches. The quality control method includes the use of certain data acquisition, transfer and interpretation facilities arranged underground, relevant software support, as well as control units to operate the mine logistics. At the present time, the level of automation at Belaruskali meets all requirements imposed on the quality control of ore flow to outlet shaftAt the Mining Department of the Belarusian National Technical University, the service simulation procedure is developed for mine faces with various heading and cutting machines in specific geological conditions (mineral seam structure, mineral quality) and geotechnical conditions (seam thickness, cutting head width, face advance velocity, mining flowsheet, downtime duration, etc.).

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