
The electrophoretic mobility ratio (R value) of any two ions is constant and independent of the capillary type and electrophoretic conditions if their electrical charges and hydration radii are constant. The use of strong acid salts and quaternary ammonium salts is therefore proposed for the determination of R values. Such analytes are called markers. The following determinations can be carried out: (i) the determination of the migration time corresponding to the electroosmotic flow (EOF) in any capillary under any electrophoretic condition by measuring the migration times of two markers in the condition studied (useful when the EOF is weak); (ii) the determination of the migration time of an analyte in any capillary by knowing the migration time of the markers in the capillary studied. If the pH is changed and the ionization of the analyte is pH dependent, the resulting migration time for the analyte can be calculated. The constancy of the mobility ratios of seven markers was checked experimentally at eight different pH values (between pH 3 and 10), at three temperatures, and for two buffer concentrations. The predicted and experimental migration times were also compared in two different types of capillaries.

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