
Water is fundamental to magma genesis, evolution, and eruption. Few direct measurements of magmatic H 2 O exist, however, because rocks found at the surface have extensively degassed upon eruption. Olivine-hosted melt inclusions provide a standard approach to measur ing volatiles in undegassed magma, but many volcanic deposits do not contain melt inclusions large enough for analysis (>30 μm), or olivine at all. Here we use an Al IV -dependent partitioning relationship to calculate magmatic H 2 O from direct measurements of H 2 O in clinopyroxene phenocrysts. We test this approach using phenocrysts from four arc volcanoes (Galunggung, Irazu, Arenal, and Augustine) that span the global range in H 2 O contents as measured in olivine-hosted melt inclusions (from 0.1 to 7 wt% H 2 O). The average and maximum magmatic H 2 O contents calculated from the clinopyroxene measurements agree within 15% of the melt inclusion values for most of the samples. The evolutionary paths recorded in H 2 O-Mg# variations overlap in some clinopyroxene and olivine-hosted melt inclusion populations, and in others, the clinopyroxenes record a larger portion of the liquid line of descent or a different portion of the magma system. Thus, the use of phenocrysts to estimate magmatic H 2 O contents creates a new and powerful tool in igneous petrology and volcanology.

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