
The high capacity and voltage properties demonstrated by lithium-ion batteries render them as the preferred energy carrier in portable electronic devices. The application of the lithium-ion batteries which previously circulating and contained around small-scale electronics is now expanding into large scale emerging markets such as electromobility and stationary energy storage. Therefore, the understanding of the risk involved is imperative. Thermal runaway is the most common failure mode of lithium-ion battery which may lead to safety incidents. Transport process of immense amounts of heat released during thermal runaway of lithium-ion battery to neighboring batteries in a module can lead to cascade failure of the whole energy storage system. In this work, a model is developed to predict the propagation of lithium-ion battery in a module for large scale applications. For this purpose, kinetic of material thermal decomposition is combined with heat transfer modelling. The simulation is built based on chemical kinetics at component level of a singular cell and energy balance that accounts for conductive and convective heat transfer.


  • The applications of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) have been proliferating from small handheld devices to large-capacity high-voltage applications

  • Most of the works reported in the literature related to thermal runaway study of lithium-ion batteries have been concentrated on the impacts and failure consequences of a single cell

  • Qanode = ∆Hanode Wanode Ranode where Ranode (s−1 ) is the rate constant of anode-solvent reaction, ∆Hanode (J/kg) is the reaction enthalpy, Aanode (s−1 ) and Eanode (J/mol) are frequency factor and activation energy respectively, R (J/K.mol) is the gas constant, T (K) is the battery temperature, manode is the reaction order, Wanode is the mass of carbon in anode, z is the thickness of solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer, z0 is the initial thickness of SEI layer and canode is the dimensionless amount of lithium intercalated within the carbon negative electrode

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The applications of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) have been proliferating from small handheld devices to large-capacity high-voltage applications. Most of the works reported in the literature related to thermal runaway study of lithium-ion batteries have been concentrated on the impacts and failure consequences of a single cell. There are limited studies conducted to quantify thermal runaway hazards of lithium-ion batteries beyond singular cell level. The application of the lithium-ion batteries which previously circulating and contained around small scale electronics is expanding into emerging markets such as electromobility and stationary energy storage This situation necessitates for the understanding of the hazard involves in a large scale. The initiation of thermal runaway considered is short-circuit induced by physical impact For this purpose, thermal decomposition kinetics of battery fundamental components are combined with conductive and convective heat transfer modelling

Numerical Modelling of Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Runaway Propagation
Energy Balance of a Single Battery
Modelling of Thermal Decomposition Kinetics
Reaction between Anode and Solvent
Electrolyte Decomposition
Cathode Breakdown
The description and value each thermal involved in the illustrated
Results and Discussion
The of initiated by impact-induced short-circuit in
12. Thermal
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