
In this work, kinetic isotope effect (KIEself) values of 68 hydride self-exchange reactions, XH(D) + X(+) → X(+) + XH(D), in acetonitrile at 298 K were determined using a new experimental method. KIE values of 4556 hydride cross transfer reactions, XH(D) + Y(+) → X(+) + YH(D), in acetonitrile were estimated from the 68 determined KIEself values of hydride self-exchange reactions using a new KIE relation formula derived from Zhu's kinetic equation and the reliability of the estimations was verified using different experimental methods. A new KIE kinetic model to explain and predict KIE values was developed according to Zhu's kinetic model using two different Morse free energy curves instead of one Morse free energy curve in the traditional KIE theories to describe the free energy changes of X-H bond and X-D bond dissociation in chemical reactions. The most significant contribution of this paper to KIE theory is to build a new KIE kinetic model, which can be used to not only uniformly explain the various (normal, enormous and inverse) KIE values but also safely prodict KIE values of various chemical reactions.

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