
Industries on the island of Mauritius are under increasing pressure from the regulatory authority and from the general public to control the air pollution from their boilers and particularly that of sulfur dioxide emissions from fuel oil combustion. The measures taken by industry are usually “ad hoc” in nature, and there has been yet no proper scientific methodology to justify the nature of the pollution control interventions. Air modeling as a planning tool provides a scientific methodology to industries and to the regulatory authority to select the optimum option(s) among various scenarios such as raising stack heights, changing fuels, implementing cleaner production opportunities or installation of wet scrubbers. The aim of this project was to use an air dispersion model for the selection of air pollution control systems for industrial boilers in an industrial estate. Given a number of constraints on small island developing states like Mauritius, it is recommended to start using established and simple modeling methods, as the complexity of the more refined models requires a relatively long learning curve to be able to use the model correctly. The Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST3) is recommended for that purpose. The application of the ISCST3 model to the multiple-source case study helped in the identification of the most cost-effective options.

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