
Arsenic (As) pollution in soil from various anthropogenic sources potentially threatens groundwater by migrating downward through a vadose zone. As goes through complex biogeochemical reactions such as sorption, desorption, and/or redox transformation, which affects its retention in this zone. A retardation factor is a critical solute-transport parameter to quantitatively assess the retention of As in this zone, and eventually to predict the potential risk of groundwater contamination. Despite its importance, however, there is still limited information to quantify the retardation factor in a vadose zone, compared to in the saturated condition. This study aimed to assess the retardation factor of As using twenty-two unsaturated soil columns coupled with the non-equilibrium solute-transport modeling. We employed a multiple linear regression approach to develop a prediction model for the retardation factor based on the soil properties. Soil columns with 3-cm inner diameter and 45-cm height were packed with six different field soils at various bulk densities. Distilled water was infiltrated into each column at a constant flowrate, until a steady-state unsaturated condition was achieved. The distilled water was replaced with a solution containing As and a conservative tracer (chloride, Cl), to obtain their breakthrough curves. The retardation factor of As was determined by inversely fitting the breakthrough data of As and Cl with Mobile-Immobile model integrated in HYDRUS 1-D software. The derived retardation factors of As in the mobile and immobile zones ranged 1.58–6.93 and 1.44–25.48, respectively. These showed high degree of dependence on soil properties. In the mobile water zone, iron content and organic matter content emerged as the two most influential properties affecting As transport, impeding As mobility. Conversely, in the immobile water zone, coefficient of uniformity and bulk density were identified as the most influential factors, enhancing As retention. Based on the results, empirical equations were derived to predict the retardation factors of As in a vadose zone based on the aforementioned soil properties.

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