
Introduction of a sample into the separation column (microchip channel) in capillary zone electrophoresis (microchip electrophoresis) will cause a disturbance in the originally uniform composition of the background electrolyte. The disturbance, a system zone, can move in some electrolyte systems along the separation channel and, on reaching the position of the detector, cause a system peak. As shown by the linear theory of electromigration based on linearized continuity equations formulated in matrix form, the mobility of the system zone--the system eigenmobility--can be obtained as the eigenvalue of the matrix. Progress in the theory of electromigration allows us to predict the existence and mobilities of the system zones, even in very complex electrolyte systems consisting of several multivalent weak electrolytes, or in micellar systems (systems with SDS micelles) used for protein sizing in microchips. The theory is implemented in PeakMaster software, which is available as freeware (www.natur.cuni.cz/gas). The linearized theory also predicts background electrolytes having no stationary injection zone (water zone, water gap, water dip, EO zone) or unstable electrolyte systems exhibiting oscillations and creating periodic structures. The oscillating systems have complex system eigenmobilities (eigenvalues of the matrix are complex). This paper reviews the theoretical background of the system peaks (system eigenpeaks) and gives practical hints for their prediction and for preparing background electrolytes not perturbed by the occurrence of system peaks and by excessive peak broadening.

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