
The IML PD series Resi is an instrument designed to measure the drilling resistance of wood. Use of the IML PD series Resi instrument is rapidly becoming a routine method among Australian forest plantation growers for wood quality assessments. The major driver in the commercial uptake of the IML Resi is that it is fast, cheap, and sufficiently precise for commercial use, particularly when the data are processed through a user-friendly, web-based processor. This study examined whether the accuracy of wood density predictions was impacted by the use of different Resi tools and different operators, which has never been examined before. Seven Resi instruments were evaluated across six sites with two operators on plantation-grown Southern Pine (Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (Sénéclauze) or hybrids between Pinus elliottii var. elliottii (Engelm) × P. caribaea var. hondurensis) trees. Two types of Resi instruments were used (IML Resi PD-400 and IML Resi PD-500), and all had been recently serviced or were new. The instruments were operated by experienced operators. Constant sampling conditions of feed speed 200 cm/min and 3500 RPM were used. The order of instrument use, and hence the order of operator assessment at each site, was randomized. The variance between Resi instruments was small. The measured mean basic density of 50 mm outerwood cores across all plots was 542 kg/m3, while Resi-predicted basic density varied among instruments between 535 and 547 kg/m3. One Resi instrument underpredicted basic density by 9 kg/m3 and another overpredicted by 5 kg/m3. The operator had no effect on the basic density prediction. Resi PD400 or PD500 instruments gave similar basic density predictions.

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