
The calculation of the net administered activity (Aadmin ) in patients undergoing 90 Y-radioembolization is essential for dosimetry and radiation safety, yet current methods for measuring residual 90 Y activity are often associated with high uncertainty. Therefore, an accurate, robust, and clinically viable method for the determination of Aadmin across approved 90 Y microsphere devices is desirable. We report on a novel method to determine Aadmin by leveraging the quantitative capabilities of SPECT/CT to measure 90 Y-emission in vivo from patients following 90 Y-radioembolization with glass or resin microspheres. 90 Y-SPECT/CT attenuation-corrected count data from 147 sequential 90 Y-radioembolization patients was used for this analysis. Aadmin was calculated as part of routine clinical practice via the exposure rate differences between the initial 90 Y-vial and the 90 Y-residual jar. This served as our gold standard measure of Aadmin . Patient data for each microsphere device were separated into training and testing cohorts to first develop regression models and then to independently assess model performance. The training cohorts were divided into four groups: first, based on the microsphere device (glass or resin), and second, based on the SPECT volume used to calculate counts (the full SPECT field of view (FOV) or liver only (VOIliver )). Univariate linear regression models were generated for each group to predict Aadmin based on 90 Y-SPECT data from the training cohorts. Leave-one-out cross validation was implemented to estimate variability in model parameters. To assess performance, linear models derived from the training cohort were applied to 90 Y-SPECT data from the testing cohort. A comparison of the models between microspheres devices was also performed. Linear models derived from the glass and resin training cohorts demonstrated a strong, positive correlation between 90 Y-SPECT image counts and Aadmin for VOIliver and FOV with R2 >0.98 in all cases. In the glass training cohort, model accuracy (100%-absolute mean prediction error) and precision (95% prediction intervals of mean prediction error) were 99.0% and 15.4% for the VOIliver and 99.7% and 17.5% for the FOV models, respectively. In the resin training cohort, the corresponding values were 98.6% and 16.7% for VOIliver and>99.9% and 11.4% for the FOV models, respectively. The application of these linear models to 90 Y-SPECT data from the testing cohort showed Aadmin prediction errors to have high accuracy and precision for both microsphere devices. For the glass testing cohort, accuracy (precision) was 96.9% (19.6%) and 98.8% (21.1%) for the VOIliver and FOV models, respectively. The corresponding values for the resin training cohort were 97.3% (26.2%) and 98.5% (25.7%) for the VOIliver and FOV models, respectively. The slope of the linear models between the two microsphere devices was observed to be significantly different with resin microspheres generating 48%-49% more SPECT counts for equivalent 90 Y activity based on each device manufacturer's activity calibration process. 90 Y-SPECT image counts can reliably predict (accuracy>95% and precision<18%) Aadmin after 90 Y-radioembolization, with performance characteristics essentially equivalent for both glass and resin microspheres. There is a clear indication that activity calibrations are fundamentally different between the two microsphere devices.

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