
To determine the prognostic aspects of the development of pneumonia in patients with ischemic stroke of various pathogenetic subtypes. The study enrolled 110 patients (64 men and 46 women), aged 44-95 years, with dysphagia during the acute period of ischemic stroke (IS). The TOAST criteria were used to diagnose the pathogenetic subtype, and the MASA scale was used to determine the presence and severity of dysphagia. To predict the probability of switching to self-feeding from the severity of dysphagia, a non-linear regression method was used using the least squares method. In patients with swallowing disorders in the acute period of IS, pneumonia often developed after 5 days from the onset of clinical manifestations of stroke. In the cardioembolic subtype of IS, the probability of pneumonia in groups with dysphagia severity from 90 to 120 points on the MASA was higher than in the atherothrombotic subtype of IS (p<0.05). Patients with cardioembolic stroke subtype are characterized by a worse prognosis for the developing pneumonia compared to patients with atherothrombotic stroke subtype.

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