
In the light of a massive diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), coupled with unprecedented rates of an ageing population, the study of technology acceptance by older adults has become a relevant field of study. Despite the popularity of influential technology acceptance models, such as UTAUT, few studies have adopted this theoretical framework to explain technology acceptance among this group. Considering the recent update of UTAUT2 to more appropriately assess the acceptance and usage of technology in a consumer context, the main goal of this study is to evaluate the predictive relevance of UTAUT2 to explain older adults' intention behaviour and usage of ICT. For this purpose, a variance-based structural equation modelling (PLS) was used to analyse data collected from a sample of 278 Portuguese older adults. The results confirm that most UTAUT2 predictors, some of them directly (behavioural intention, habit) and others indirectly (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation) were found to be relevant for this population group. The study adds to existing knowledge by providing evidence in support of the validity of UTAUT2 as a relevant theoretical base to effectively explain behavioural intentions and ICT use among older adults.

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