
Purpose: Evidence suggests that maternal attachment (MA) is both a developmental task of pregnancy and an indicator of compliance with pregnancy and associated with prenatal health. Understanding all aspects of attachment will contribute to improving our understanding of developing preventions. 
 Methods: The study design was prospective cohort study. The relationship between emotion regulation skills or psychological resilience of pregnant women in the second or third trimester period and postpartum MA was investigated. After written consent was obtained, two interviews were completed with the participants. In the first interview, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-Brief Form (DERS), Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) was applied to all participants. In the second interview, the Maternal Attachment Inventory (MAI) was applied to the participants in the 30-40 days postpartum period. 
 Results: Of the 120 women recruited, 77 completed two interviews. A negative correlation between MAI scores and DERS scores (p=0.001) and a positive correlation between MAI scores and CD-RISC scores (p

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