
Live weight (LW) is an important piece of information within production systems, as it is related to several other economic characteristics. However, in the main buffalo-producing regions in the world, it is not common to periodically weigh the animals. We develop and evaluate linear, quadratic, and allometric mathematical models to predict LW using the body volume (BV) formula in lactating water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) reared in southeastern Mexico. The LW (391.5 ± 138.9 kg) and BV (333.62 ± 58.51 dm3) were measured in 165 lactating Murrah buffalo aged between 3 and 10 years. The goodness-of-fit of the models was evaluated using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), coefficient of determination (R2), mean-squared error (MSE) and root MSE (RMSE). In addition, the developed models were evaluated through cross-validation (k-folds). The ability of the fitted models to predict the observed values was evaluated based on the RMSEP, R2, and mean absolute error (MAE). LW and BV were significantly positively and strongly correlated (r = 0.81; P < 0.001). The quadratic model had the lowest values of MSE (2788.12) and RMSE (52.80). On the other hand, the allometric model showed the lowest values of BIC (1319.24) and AIC (1313.07). The Quadratic and allometric models had lower values of MSEP and MAE. We recommend the quadratic and allometric models to predict the LW of lactating Murrah buffalo using BV as a predictor.

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