
Abstract In-situ stress state plays an important role in controlling fracture growth and containment in hydraulic fracturing managements. It is evident that the mechanical properties, existing stress regime and the natural fracture network of its reservoir rocks and the surrounding formations mainly control the geometry, size and containments of produced hydraulic fractures. Furthermore, the three principal in situ stresses' axes swap directions and magnitudes at different depths giving rise to identifying different mechanical bedrocks with corresponding stress regimes at different depths. Hence predicting the hydro-fractures can be theoretically achieved once all the above data are available. This is particularly difficult in unconventional and tight carbonate reservoirs, where heterogeneity and highly stress variation, in terms of magnitude and orientation, are expected. To optimize the field development plan (FDP) of a tight carbonate gas reservoir in Abu Dhabi, 1D Mechanical Earth Models (MEMs), involving generating the three principal in-situ stresses' profiles and mechanical property characterization with depth, have been constructed for four vertical wells. The results reveal the swap of stress magnitudes at different mechanical layers, which controls the dimension and orientation of the produced hydro-fractures. Predicted containment of the Hydro-fractures within the specific zones is likely with inevitable high uncertainty when the stress contrast between Sv, SHmax with Shmin respectively as well as Young's modulus and Poisson's Ratio variations cannot be estimated accurately. The uncertainty associated with this analysis is mainly related to the lacking of the calibration of the stress profiles of the 1D MEMs with minifrac and/or XLOT data, and both mechanical and elastic properties with rock mechanic testing results. This study investigates the uncertainty in predicting hydraulic fracture containment due to lacking such calibration, which highlights that a complete suite of data, including calibration of 1D MEMs, is crucial in hydraulic fracture treatment.

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