
Applying a precise forecasting method is necessary to achieve acceptable results in integrated pest management programs.The objectives of this work were to predict the occurrence of population of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) andChrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), determine the influence of temperature and relative humidity on their populationdensities and also to study the effect of five insecticides on the population of these insect species in potato plants under fieldconditions at Nobaria district, El-Beheira Governorate, Egypt. The populations of M. persicae and C. carnea were monitored onpotato plants from February to May of 2015 and 2016 seasons. The population peaks of these insects were predicted using adegree-day model (accumulated thermal units). The obtained results revealed that the green peach aphid has nine fieldgenerations while the green lace-wing has two field generations. The general average of deviations between the expected peakscompared to the observed peaks were -1.333 and -1 days in case of M. persicae, while these averages were +3 and -1 days in caseof green lace-wing in 2015 and 2016 seasons, respectively. The effect of the meteorological factors such as temperature andrelative humidity on population of these insect were studied. The correlation results revealed that the incidence of M. persicaeand C. carnea were significantly and positively correlated in descending order with minimum, mean, and maximum temperaturedegree, respectively. The efficiency of acetamiprid, thiamethoxam, pymetrozine, chlorantraniliprole and pirimicarb on M.persicae and C. carnea populations was determined. These insecticides could be arranged in ascending order as: acetamiprid >thiamethoxam > chlorantraniliprole > pymetrozine > pirimicarb for controlling the green peach aphid. While regarding theirharmful effect on the C. carnea population their order became chlorantraniliprole > pirimicarb > thiamethoxam > acetamiprid >pymetrozine. These results were repeated in both seasons of study, 2015 and 2016.

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