
Despite malaria prevalence being linked to surface water through vector breeding, spatial malaria predictors representing surface water often predict malaria poorly. Furthermore, precipitation, which precursors surface water, often performs better. Our goal is to determine whether novel surface water exposure indices that take malaria dispersal mechanisms into account, derived from new high-resolution surface water data, can be stronger predictors of malaria prevalence compared to precipitation. One hundred eighty candidate predictors were created by combining three surface water malaria exposures from high-accuracy and resolution (5m resolution, overall accuracy 96%, Kappa Coefficient 0.89, Commission and Omission error 3% and 13%, respectively) water maps of East Africa. Through variable contribution analysis a subset of strong predictors was selected and used as input for Boosted Regression Tree models. We benchmarked the performance and Relative Contribution of this set of novel predictors to models using precipitation instead of surface water predictors, alternative lower resolution predictors, and simpler surface water predictors used in previous studies. The predictive performance of the novel indices rivaled or surpassed that of precipitation predictors. The novel indices substantially improved performance over the identical set of predictors derived from the lower resolution Joint Research Center surface water data set (+10% R 2, +17% Relative Contribution) and over the set of simpler predictors (+18% R 2, +30% Relative Contribution). Surface water derived indices can be strong predictors of malaria, if the spatial resolution is sufficiently high to detect small waterbodies and dispersal mechanisms of malaria related to surface water in human and vector water exposure assessment are incorporated.

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