
The volatility of the global financial market under the influence of the epidemic is a hot issue of concern to the whole society. Most tech company stocks have been affected to varying degrees, including Apple. However, Apple's future stock price trend under the influence of the epidemic has not yet been studied. Whether Apple stock is still worth buying has become a concern for many. Therefore, this article collects data on Apple's stock price from the time it went public until 2022. After cleaning and analyzing the data, an ARIMA model is established to analyze and predict Apple's stock. This paper will explore the relationship between the global financial market downturn and Apple's stock price volatility under the impact of the epidemic based on model results and data. According to the model's prediction of Apple's stock price, Apple's stock price will continue to increase in the next six months after June 2022. This article obtains the forecast data, and then combines the analysis of the impact events that have significantly fluctuated the price of Apple's stock in the past. It was found that although Apple's stock price will be affected by the big environment, its strong and unique product power will help it maintain a long-term increase in stock prices. Apple stock still has a high purchase value.

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