
"One of the examples of successful big data analysis projects is the E-government of Kazakhstan. This project contains various information systems, governmental databases, and technological solutions for providing public services to citizens. The availability of public services in an online format became possible thanks to the provision of electronic digital signatures to citizens free of charge. Progressively, E-government became a single mechanism for the interaction of the state and citizens and government agencies with each other, ensuring their consistency with the help of information technology. It was this mechanism that made it possible to reduce the queues to state bodies and to simplify and speed up the receipt of certificates, certificates, permits, and much more. It was an unknown study and question of whether big data analysis technologies could expand new functions that then would be used for further service progresses. This article will conduct the chances of data lake implementation and machine learning technologies for further predictive analytics and computerized decisions to provide public services proactively. Keywords: information systems, big analysis, databases, proactive services, machine learning algorithms, technologies, data lake, implementations. "

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