
Abstract Although Southeast Asia has a high diversity of small carnivore species, little is known about their distributions and ecology, and several species are now threatened with extinction. We predicted the distributions of 8 civet and mongoose species within Southeast Asia using ecological niche modeling, determined their habitat/elevation niche preferences, examined the interspecific differences in these 2 niche parameters, and investigated possible factors that could have affected these distribution and niche patterns. We found a tendency for each civet and mongoose species to separate spatially from related species on geographical, habitat, and elevation gradients, and that 3 pairs of civet and mongoose species showed similar distribution patterns and habitat/elevation preferences. The large Indian civet (Viverra zibetha) and crab-eating mongoose (Herpestes urva) have similar distributions throughout mainland Southeast Asia, are found over a broad range of elevations, and occur primarily in evergre...

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