
Insulin resistance (IR) is currently an underlying phenomenon in the etiology of mostnon-communicable diseases. IR has been proposed as the key linking factor for the metabolic syndrome disease cluster of glucose intolerance. This study's target was to assess the predictability of risk factors for IR among female medical students Methods: A cross-sectional study involving female medical students was carried out. The sample size was 272, and a suitable non-probability sampling method was employed. A correlation test was done, and a P value less than 0.05 is considered statistically significant.Each participant underwent assessment of anthropometric measurements and biochemical testing. For assessing lifestyle, validated questionnaires on physical activity, sleep pattern, dietary pattern, and stress were adopted. The anthropometric data such as height, weight, and waist circumference were collected. Biochemical testing involved estimation of the postprandial capillary blood glucose level on campus. Additionally, systolicblood pressure and diastolic blood pressurewere measured. The association of lifestyle risk factors with waist circumference as an indicator of IR was done wherethe majority of those with high waist circumference were physically inactive and more prone to stress which was statistically significant when compared to those with normal waist circumference. However, poor sleep and unhealthy diet were high among those with high waist circumference, but they were not statistically significant. The correlation of waist circumference as an indicator of IR was highly significant with body mass index, postprandial blood sugar, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure. A series of unhealthy lifestyle habits was contributable to developing obesity and therefore IR among medical students in Saudi Arabia.

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