
Today, societies become more complex and profound changes in science and technology, mission organizations will be increasingly important in the growth and development of all countries. As the main pillar of current society organizations play a significant role in meeting the expectations of their communities And human resources is the most valuable resource for organizations. Therefore, in order to increase productivity and efficiency of organizations based on employee needs and satisfaction will be of particular importance (Zamini et al., 2010). On the other hand, one of the most important works of burnout, organizational commitment. Between organizational commitment and issues related to human resource performance and there is a significant positive relationship. People who have a higher commitment, have less turnover, more intimate relationships with their partners, more participation and involvement in decision-making will be less conflict and role ambiguity (Mahmud, 1999). Several studies have been done from the perspective of psychology in this area from a management perspective, and industrial and organizational variables and little research has been done. Thus, according to this and the impact of perceived social support from staff burnout, this study examines the relationship between organizational commitment and perceived social support in Imam Khomeini Relief Committee (RA) is dealt with burnout.Problem statementBurnout has been raised as a problem in all enterprise systems, burnout addition, the incidence of adverse effects that load on their physical and mental health personnel, reduces efficiency and quality of services and costs required to do work. Burnout is a product of long-term stress in the workplace. Symptoms of this syndrome becomes apparent that not enough human capabilities for environmental applications. Emotional exhaustion (chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, physical symptoms can be discharged in the form of reduced mental energy and emotion), depersonalization (negative reaction, heartless and with extreme indifference towards colleagues and clients, guilt, isolation, reduce the work and daily activities, in the sense of psychological separation of the job and reduce the feeling of personal accomplishment (reduced sense of competence and success in the profession, job dissatisfaction, feelings on time, failure, Loss of ability to recognize and understand, permanent sense of oppression and exploitation, and reduced job performance), are the three dimensions of burnout syndrome (Fredrinberg, 1974; Mezlech, 1976; Mezlech & Goldenberg, 1988). This syndrome has different effects in social life, physical and psychological leaves. Personnel Imam Khomeini Relief Committee (RA) due to inability to deal with stress, such as clients and patients, interpersonal problems, low social support, high working pressure, faced with a large number of clients per day, making decisions based on insufficient information in an emergency and responding to the results of this decision, along with the stress of trying to avoid any mistakes, the face of violence and intimidation at work, compared to other professions were more willing to engage in this syndrome. Since that organizational commitment has a significant impact on the efficiency and productivity in recent years, organizational commitment is an important part of organizational studies and focus studies.Research conducted has shown that organizational commitment in the workforce, in addition to a powerful and effective force in the success of organizations (Shakerinia & Nabavi, 2010) seems to have a credit inter-cultural (Soaer et al., 1996). The importance of organizational commitment organizational beneficial and desirable outcomes such as increasing effectiveness, reduce absenteeism and burnout in studies suchas Porter et al. (1974); Tite and Mayer (1993) has been confirmed.MethodThe present study is correlational and descriptive outline which aims burnout check the forecast on the basis of organizational commitment and perceived social support on the staff of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee (RA) is Shiraz. …

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