
Scutellonema bradys (Steiner & LeHew) Andrassy is the most important yam nematode in the State of Bahia, Brazil, being responsible for the decay of yam tubers, known as dry rot disease. Nematode-trapping fungi are potential biocontrol agents against plant parasitic nematodes. The in vitro predatory ability of Arthrobotrys musiformis Drechsler and Monacrosporium thaumasium Drechsler on S. bradys was evaluated. The fungi were grown in PDA medium, than transferred to the center of Petri dishes with 2% agar plus water. After 14 days of the fungal cultures incubation, 150 nematodes were added to the dishes. For a period of 5 days, at 24-hour intervals, the number of captured nematodes was counted. Both fungi formed trapping structures of single ring and three-dimensional adhesive network types, 24 hours after the addition of the nematodes to the fungal cultures. The percentage of nematodes captured by each fungus increased linearly with time, reaching 94.6% and 97.3% of captured nematodes by A. musiformis and M. thaumasium, respectively, at the fifth day of evaluation. Both fungi presented good predatory ability upon S. bradys. This is the first report of nematophagous fungi capturing S. bradys. Further studies should evaluate the potential of these fungi as biocontrol agents of S. bradys in yam plantations.

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