
Transformational processes in the world are rapidly accelerating and in different versions are complexly intertwined. Deep rifts are taking place in the geopolitical space. The most acute contradictions and multidirectional tendencies of world development accumulated in the previous period continue. New points of reference have emerged in assessing the close relationship and interdependence of macroeconomic and military-political processes, which form previously unknown problem fields of world politics. Conflict confrontation between the key world centers of power, capable of creating various geopolitical configurations, where expanded opportunities for promoting their national and state interests appear. The period of intelligible, more or less ordered competitive interactions in the world seems to be coming to an end. In Western-centric geopolitical associations, the not always expected and predictable regrouping of forces and interests is taking place more frequently, fraught with serious strategic consequences. Recently in the development of the transatlantic partnership, the contradictions, problem nodes and pain points that have complicated the allied ties between the United States and the European Union have been contrasted. Disagreements in the US-EU-NATO geopolitical triangle have noticeably increased. A sign of these disagreements was the publicly announced diagnosis of "NATO brain death", which E. Macron delivered to the North Atlantic alliance in December 2019. New geopolitical dissonances have emerged in EU relations with key strategic partners.

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