
We tested the outcome of predation by juvenile roach on the calanoid copepod Eudiaptomus gracilis and the similar sized cyclopoid copepod Cyclops vicinus in laboratory experiments with mixed and single-prey. When ovigerous females and adult non-ovigerous females of the calanoid copepod and the cyclopoid copepod were offered in equal numbers to the fish in the mixed-prey experiments, the cyclopoid copepods were significantly more heavily preyed upon than the calanoids. Between 14 and 16 females of the cyclopoid copepod and only between 2 and 4 calanoids had been consumed after the observation period of two hours. The single-prey experiments revealed that the conspicuousness of the calanoid vs the cyclopoid depended on sex and gravidity. Ovigerous females of the cyclopoid copepod were slightly earlier detected by the fish than ovigerous females of the calanoid, probably a result of the highly visible egg-sacs carried by the cyclopoid females. Females without eggs and males of the cyclopoid copepod were recognized later by the predator than females without eggs or males of the calanoid, probably a result of the different behaviours of the different copepod taxa. Cyclopoids frequently congregated near the aquarium bottom while calanoids were closer to the water surface where they were better visible. The calanoid copepod could better escape the fish's attacks than the cyclopoid copepod. Egg-bearing females of both the calanoid and the cyclopoid copepod could significantly better escape than non-ovigerous females or males. Probably ovigerous females react very early to water disturbances caused by the predator. Activity measurements showed that the cyclopoid copepod displayed 2 to 4 times more hops per time unit than the calanoid. Probably the high number of jerky movements displayed by the cyclopoid attracted attention of the predator and contributed to its greater vulnerability.

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