
We reassess the geodynamic context close to the Congo craton during the pre-collisional period of the Pan-African orogeny from whole-rock major and trace element compositions and isotopic data obtained in the westward extension of the Yaounde series (Boumnyebel area, Cameroon). The series consists of metasediments (micaschists, minor calc-silicate rocks and marbles) and meta-igneous rocks (hornblende gneisses, amphibolites, metagabbros, pyroxenites and talcschists) recrystallized under high-pressure conditions.Chemically, the micaschists correspond to shales and greywackes similar to the Yaounde high-grade gneisses. 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios (0.7084–0.7134), moderately negative εNd(620Ma) values (−5.75 to −7.81), Nd model ages (1.66<TDM<1.74Ga) and radiometric ages point to the conclusion that the Yaounde basin was filled with siliciclastic sediments derived from both reworked older continental crust (Palaeoproterozoic to Archaean in age) and Neoproterozoic juvenile volcanogenic material. This occurred in the same time span (625–1100Ma) as the deposition of the Lower Dja, Yokadouma, Nola and Mintom series (Tonian–Cryogenian). Dolomitic marble associated with mafic/ultramafic rocks and characterized by high Cr (854–1371ppm) and Ni (517–875ppm) contents, are considered to result from chemical precipitation in relation with submarine magmatic activity.Talcschists (orthopyroxenitic to harzburgitic in composition) show primitive-mantle-normalized multi-element patterns with significant negative Nb–Ta anomalies, and slopes similar to that of average metasomatically altered lithospheric mantle. These rocks could be mantle slices involved in the collision tectonics. Amphibolites show the compositions of island-arc basalts with systematic negative Nb–Ta anomalies, 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios mostly <0.7047 and positive εNd(620Ma) values (+1.41 to +6.58). They are considered to be the expression of incipient oceanisation to the north of the Congo craton during the early Neoproterozoic. Hornblende gneisses show andesitic compositions, with high 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios (0.7105 and 0.7125) and low εNd(620) values (−14.0 and −20.7) suggesting that their genesis involved juvenile and recycled older crustal materials. Syn-metamorphic metagabbro (Mamb) and metadiorite (Yaounde) intrusions show negative Nb–Ta negative anomalies but enrichment in light rare-earth and large-ion lithophile elements, suggesting a metasomatized mantle source. Overall, meta-igneous rocks seem to be representative of distinct magmatic events that accompanied the evolution of the Yaounde sedimentary basin, from opening and oceanisation to convergence and closure in relation with the collisional process.These data suggest that the Yaounde basin should not be considered as a back-arc basin, but more likely represents the expression of extensional processes to the north of the Congo craton, which led to rifting, fragmentation and limited oceanisation. In this view, the Adamawa-Yade block may represent a micro-continent detached from the Congo craton during the early Neoproterozoic.

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