
Precocious puberty (PP) means the appearance of secondary sexual characters before the age of eight years in girls and nine years in boys. Puberty is indicated in girls by the enlargement of the breasts (thelarche) in girls and in boys by the enlargement of the testes in either volume or length (testicular volume = 4 mL, testicular length = 25 mm, or both). Two types of PP are recognized - namely central PP (CPP) and peripheral PP (PPP). This paper aims to describe the clinical findings and laboratory workup of PP and to illustrate the new trends in the management of precocious sexual maturation. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-independent type (PPP) refers to the development of early pubertal maturation not related to the central activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. It is classified into genetic or acquired disorders. The most common forms of congenital or genetic causes involve McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS), familial male-limited PP, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. The acquired causes include exogenous exposure to androgens, functioning tumors or cysts, and the pseudo-PP of profound primary hypothyroidism. On the other hand, CPP is the most common and it is a gonadotropin-dependent form. It is due to premature maturation of the HPG axis. CPP may occur as genetic alterations, such asMKRN3, DLK1, or KISS1;as a part of mutations in theepigenetic factors that regulate the HPG axis, such as Lin28b and let-7; or as a part of syndromes, central lesions such as hypothalamic hamartoma, and others. A full, detailed history and physical examination should be taken. Furthermore, several investigations should be conducted for both types of PP, including the estimation of serum gonadotropins such as luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones and sex steroids, in addition to a radiographic workup and thyroid function tests. Treatment depends on the type of PP: Long-acting GnRHa, either intramuscularly or implanted, is the norm of care for CPP management, while in PPP, especially in congenital adrenal hyperplasia, the goal of management is to suppress adrenal androgen secretion by glucocorticoids. In addition, anastrozole and letrozole - third-generation aromatase inhibitors - are more potent for MAS.

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