
Introduction. Puberty is manifested initially by the onset of secondary sexual characteristics as a result of hormonal changes that progressively lead to complete sexual maturity. In Argentina and worldwide, the lockdown resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic may have interfered in the onset and timing of pubertal development. Objective. To describe the perception of pediatric endocrinologists in Argentina regarding consultations for suspected precocious and/or rapidly progressive puberty during the pandemic. Materials and methods. Descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study. Anonymous survey among pediatric endocrinologists members of the Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría and/or the Asociación de Endocrinología Pediátrica Argentina administered in December 2021. Results. Out of 144 pediatric endocrinologists, 83 completed the survey (rate of response: 58%). All of them considered that consultation for precocious or early puberty increased, either in terms of early thelarche (84%), early pubarche (26%), and/or precocious puberty (95%). Ninety-nine percent agreed that this has occurred to a greater extent in girls. All survey respondents also consider that the diagnosis of central precocious puberty has increased. In total, 96.4% of respondents consider that the number of patients treated with GnRH analogs has increased. Conclusion. Our results about the perception of pediatric endocrinologists are consistent with data published in other regions on the increase in the diagnosis of precocious puberty during the COVID-19 pandemic. We underscore the need to develop national registries of central precocious puberty, and to disseminate the evidence for a timely detection and management.

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