
The article provides a comparative analysis of the key characteristics of preemptive terms in civil law, civil, arbitration proceedings, as well as in tax law. The definition of preventive terms, as well as their legal features, are not enshrined in legislation. However, acts of the Federal Tax Service, judicial practice, civil and financial and legal doctrines recognize them as a specific type of terms for exercising both civil rights and the rights of participants in tax legal relations. The admissibility of the reception of the civilistic approach to the substantiation of the essence of the pretrial period in the tax process is substantiated. The author critically assesses the current judicial practice to justify the violation by the tax authorities of the deadlines for the exercise of power. It proves the presence of preventive deadlines in the tax process and the need for their strict observance by law enforcers. On the basis of doctrinal teachings and analysis of law enforcement acts, the main features of preclusive deadlines in the tax process and the goals of their legislative fixation have been developed. It has been revealed that it is advisable to establish the criteria for classifying a term as a preventive term from the analysis of the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which imperatively regulate the consequences of violating the terms. Such consequences lead to the termination of the right of the tax authority to exercise its powers and to carry out the relevant legally enshrined procedural actions. The necessity of further study of the institute of terms in the tax process is substantiated. The task of the science of tax law, and subsequently the legislator, is argued, to develop and fix the legal regime of preventive deadlines in the tax process.

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