
Autologous chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells have achieved unprecedented clinical responses in patients with B-cell leukemias, lymphomas and multiple myeloma, raising interest in using CAR T cell therapies in AML. These therapies are produced using a patient's own T cells, an approach that has inherent challenges, including requiring significant time for production, complex supply chain logistics, separate GMP manufacturing for each patient, and variability in performance of patient-derived cells. Given the rapid pace of disease progression combined with limitations associated with the autologous approach and treatment-induced lymphopenia, many patients with AML may not receive treatment. Allogeneic CAR T (AlloCAR T) cell therapies, which utilize cells from healthy donors, may provide greater convenience with readily available off-the-shelf CAR T cells on-demand, reliable product consistency, and accessibility at greater scale for more patients. To create an allogeneic product, the TRAC and CD52 genes are inactivated in CAR T cells using Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nuclease (TALEN®) technology. These genetic modifications are intended to minimize the risk of graft-versus-host disease and to confer resistance to ALLO-647, an anti-CD52 antibody that can be used as part of the conditioning regimen to deplete host alloreactive immune cells potentially leading to increased persistence and efficacy of the infused allogeneic cells. We have previously described the functional screening of a library of anti-FLT3 single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) and the identification of a lead FLT3 CAR with optimal activity against AML cells and featuring an off-switch activated by rituximab. Here we characterize ALLO-819, an allogeneic FLT3 CAR T cell product, for its antitumor efficacy and expansion in orthotopic models of human AML, cytotoxicity in the presence of soluble FLT3 (sFLT3), performance compared with previously described anti-FLT3 CARs and potential for off-target binding of the scFv to normal human tissues. To produce ALLO-819, T cells derived from healthy donors were activated and transduced with a lentiviral construct for expression of the lead anti-FLT3 CAR followed by efficient knockout of TRAC and CD52. ALLO-819 manufactured from multiple donors was insensitive to ALLO-647 (100 µg/mL) in in vitro assays, suggesting that it would avoid elimination by the lymphodepletion regimen. In orthotopic models of AML (MV4-11 and EOL-1), ALLO-819 exhibited dose-dependent expansion and cytotoxic activity, with peak CAR T cell levels corresponding to maximal antitumor efficacy. Intriguingly, ALLO-819 showed earlier and more robust peak expansion in mice engrafted with MV4-11 target cells, which express lower levels of the antigen relative to EOL-1 cells (n=2 donors). To further assess the potency of ALLO-819, multiple anti-FLT3 scFvs that had been described in previous reports were cloned into lentiviral constructs that were used to generate CAR T cells following the standard protocol. In these comparative studies, the ALLO-819 CAR displayed high transduction efficiency and superior performance across different donors. Furthermore, the effector function of ALLO-819 was equivalent to that observed in FLT3 CAR T cells with normal expression of TCR and CD52, indicating no effects of TALEN® treatment on CAR T cell activity. Plasma levels of sFLT3 are frequently increased in patients with AML and correlate with tumor burden, raising the possibility that sFLT3 may act as a decoy for FLT3 CAR T cells. To rule out an inhibitory effect of sFLT3 on ALLO-819, effector and target cells were cultured overnight in the presence of increasing concentrations of recombinant sFLT3. We found that ALLO-819 retained its killing properties even in the presence of supraphysiological concentrations of sFLT3 (1 µg/mL). To investigate the potential for off-target binding of the ALLO-819 CAR to human tissues, tissue cross-reactivity studies were conducted using a recombinant protein consisting of the extracellular domain of the CAR fused to human IgG Fc. Consistent with the limited expression pattern of FLT3 and indicative of the high specificity of the lead scFv, no appreciable membrane staining was detected in any of the 36 normal tissues tested (n=3 donors). Taken together, our results support clinical development of ALLO-819 as a novel and effective CAR T cell therapy for the treatment of AML. Disclosures Sommer: Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.: Employment, Equity Ownership. Cheng:Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.: Employment, Equity Ownership. Yeung:Pfizer Inc.: Employment, Equity Ownership. Nguyen:Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.: Employment, Equity Ownership. Sutton:Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.: Employment, Equity Ownership. Melton:Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.: Employment, Equity Ownership. Valton:Cellectis, Inc.: Employment, Equity Ownership. Poulsen:Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.: Employment, Equity Ownership. Djuretic:Pfizer, Inc.: Employment, Equity Ownership. Van Blarcom:Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.: Employment, Equity Ownership. Chaparro-Riggers:Pfizer, Inc.: Employment, Equity Ownership. Sasu:Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.: Employment, Equity Ownership.

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