
An aspect of human responses to fires is perceiving changes in intensity. The nature of fires can make this challenging, as flames and smoke are dynamic and change with time. For developing fires, this is in addition to growth occurring vertically and sometimes horizontally, with the footprint of the fire either remaining the same or increasing in size. The present study investigated how precisely humans could visually detect differences in the intensities and growth rates of simulated fires. Using a similar approach to research with non-symbolic visual quantities, a series of experiments compared the precision of judgments regarding which of two simulated fires was greater in intensity or growing faster in intensity when the footprint was fixed or varied. In addition, participants reported what characteristics they used to make their judgments. Precision was significantly worse when comparing the growth rates versus the intensities of fires, and it was better when the fire footprint varied. This provides initial estimates of the precision of mental representations of fire intensity and growth. In addition, participants reported using multiple characteristics, including the size of flames and smoke produced. The present study indicates that humans can precisely detect differences in the intensities of fires using visual cues, but have difficulty when comparing growth rates. We discuss how this suggests that the growth rate may not be a reliable visual cue used by occupants when responding to fires.

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