
Neutrino-scattering measurements offer a unique tool for probing the electroweak and strong interactions as described by the standard model. Electroweak measurements are accessible through the comparison of neutrino neutral- and charged-current scattering. These measurements are complementary to other electroweak measurements due to differences in the radiative corrections both within and outside the standard model. Neutrino-scattering measurements also provide a precise method for measuring the ${F}_{2}{(x,Q}^{2})$ and ${\mathrm{xF}}_{3}{(x,Q}^{2})$ structure functions. The predicted ${\mathrm{Q}}^{2}$ evolution can be used to test perturbative quantum chromodynamics as well as to measure the strong-coupling constant ${\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{s}$ and the valence, sea, and gluon parton distributions. In addition, neutrino charm production, which can be determined from the observed dimuon events, allows the strange-quark sea to be investigated along with measurements of the CKM matrix element $|{V}_{\mathrm{cd}}|$ and the charm quark mass.

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