
Precision measurements of atomic lifetimes are important to the analysis of data from many areas of physics and provide fundamental atomic structure information. Scientists in the fields of astrophysics, geophysics, and plasma fusion all depend on oscillator strengths to determine the relative abundances of elements. Assessing the operation of discharge lamps and atomic resonance line filters also depends on knowing accurately atomic oscillator strengths. Often relative values of oscillator strengths are measured precisely, but accurate atomic lifetimes are needed to obtain absolute values. In addition, the interpretation of parity nonconservation (PNC) experiments requires accurate knowledge of the atomic structure including radial matrix elements. Many of these scientific needs are addressed theoretically with sophisticated many-electron atomic structure calculations. In this program they address these needs experimentally with a precision that surpasses current theoretical accuracy. The lifetime measurements also play the important roles of assessing the accuracy of many-electron atomic structure calculations and of guiding further theoretical development. Alkali like atoms, with a single electron outside of a closed shell, provide the simplest open shell systems for detailed comparisons between experiment and theory. To date, the research has focused on measurements of excited state lifetimes in neutral alkali systems along with the development of the necessary equipment and techniques for studying alkali-like ionic systems. The accomplishments of this program are summarized in Section 2 and are supported by the reprints and preprints that appear in the Appendix.

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