
An iterative method of estimating permittivity and window thickness with high precision is developed for half wavelength resonant waveguide windows for use in a lower hybrid launcher for DIII-D. The high Q factor of half-wavelength windows results in extreme sensitivity of return loss on small deviations in permittivity. Permittivity and loss tangent measurements of Morgan AL-995 99.5% aluminum oxide ceramic using a waveguide resonant cavity per ASTM D2520-13 determine variation of permittivity with frequency. Measurement of window resonant frequency in conjunction with the slope of permittivity from waveguide cavity measurements determine required thickness of a resonant window within 5 MHz of the desired resonant frequency. Methods to improve measurement accuracy of resonant peaks on a vector network analyzer are discussed. A sensitivity study to dimensional variations in window or sample rod geometry, and shift in resonant frequency due to RF heating of the window material is conducted.

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