
The present status of precision electroweak data is reviewed. These data include LEP measurements of the mass and width of the Z, together with various measurements on the Z-fermion couplings. These data are compared to, and combined with, data from the SLC on the left–right polarized asymmetry, A LR , and the left–right forward–backward asymmetries for b and c quarks. These measurements are combined with hadron collider measurements from the Tevatron and CERN on the mass of the W boson, mW, as well as other electroweak data, in global electroweak fits in which various Standard Model parameters are determined. A comparison is made between the results of direct measurements of mW and the top-quark mass, mt, as determined from the Tevatron, with the indirect results coming from electroweak radiative corrections. Using all precision electroweak data, fits are also made to determine limits on the mass of the Higgs boson, mH. The influence on these limits of specific measurements, particularly those which are somewhat inconsistent with the Standard Model, is explored. The data are also analyzed in terms of the quasi model independent ∊ variables. Improvements in the determination of all of these quantities are expected when the Z data at LEP are fully analyzed, and further measurements on A LR and related asymmetries performed at the SLC. In addition, substantial improvements in the determination of mW are expected from measurements at the Tevatron and in the second phase of LEP. An estimate is made of the likely precision of these data, and the implications of the impact of these data on precision electroweak tests are discussed. This discussion is made both in terms of the Standard Model and also in the context of the quasi model independent ∊ variables.

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