
The lithologic components and genetic interpretation of classic Pennsylvanian cyclothems have clear counterparts in sequence stratigraphy. Blocky mudstones (paleosols) and associated extensive subaerial exposure surfaces bound individual cyclothems and represent type-1 sequence boundaries. The 'middle limestones' represent flooding units that may be thin or absent, depending on the relative rate of marine inundation. Most 'core shales' correspond to condensed sections accumulated during maximum flooding and are persistent from the basin to the upper shelf. Dense well-control with occasional cores provides a means to apply sequence-stratigraphic analysis to thin cyclothemic strata, which are below the resolution of conventional seismic profiles. A lithostratigraphic framework can be established by correlating the 'core shales' using their distinctive gamma-ray log signature. Rapid conodont evolution has resulted in a characteristic fauna for most of these 'core shales,' thus providing biostratigraphic confirmation of the lithostratigraphic correlations. The wide spread nature of these maximum transgressive deposits extends the utility of the conodont indicators across dissimilar biofacies and lithofacies that would otherwise be difficult to correlate. Integration of wire-line log and conodont indicators across dissimilar biofacies and lithofacies that would otherwise be difficult to correlate. Integration of wire-line log and conodont data by core and outcrop study could laymore » the groundwork for biostratigraphic analysis of 'core shale' cuttings obtained during drilling.« less

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