
We improve QCD calculations of the semileptonic Bd,s→ π, K decay form factors at large hadronic recoil by implementing the next-to-leading-logarithmic resummation for the obtained leading-power light-cone sum rules in the soft-collinear effective theory (SCET) framework and by computing for the first time the non-vanishing spectator-quark mass correction dictating the SU(3)-flavour symmetry breaking effects between these fundamental quantities at the one-loop accuracy. Additionally, we endeavour to investigate a variety of the subleading-power contributions to these heavy-to-light form factors at mathcal{O}left({alpha}_s^0right) with the same methodology, by including the higher-order terms in the heavy-quark expansion of the hard-collinear quark propagator, by evaluating the desired effective matrix element of the next-to-leading-order term in the SCETI representation of the weak transition current, by taking into account the off-light-cone contributions of the two-body heavy-quark effective theory (HQET) matrix elements as well as the three-particle higher-twist corrections from the subleading bottom-meson light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs), and by computing the twist-five and twist-six four-body higher-twist effects with the aid of the factorization approximation. Having at our disposal the SCET sum rules for the exclusive B-meson decay form factors under discussion, we further explore in detail numerical implications of the newly computed subleading-power corrections by employing the three-parameter model for both the leading-twist and higher-twist B-meson distribution amplitudes. Taking advantage of the customary Bourrely-Caprini-Lellouch (BCL) parametrization for the complete set of the semileptonic Bd,s→ π, K form factors, we then determine the correlated numerical results for the interesting series coefficients, by carrying out the simultaneous fit of the exclusive B-meson decay form factors to both the achieved SCET sum rule predictions at small momentum transfer (q2) and the available lattice QCD results at large momentum transfer. Subsequently, we perform a comprehensive phenomenological analysis of the full angular observables, the lepton-flavour university ratios and the lepton polarization asymmetries for the flavour-changing charged- current Bto pi ell {overline{nu}}_{ell } and {B}_sto Kell {overline{nu}}_{ell } decays (with ℓ = μ, τ) together with the differential q2-distribution for the exclusive rare Bto K{nu}_{ell }{overline{nu}}_{ell } decays in the Standard Model.

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