
By the end of year 2012, China has launched 16 Beidou-2/Compass-2 navigation satellites that include 6 GEO, 5IGSO and 5 MEO. Initial navigation and precise pointing services ability has formed in the Asian-Pacific regions. In order to know the navigation and positioning performance of Beidou-2 system, Wuhan University has built up a Beidou Experimental Tracking Stations over the world and extents the PANDA software to determine the orbits of Beidou satellites, that supplies the Beidou satellites’ precise orbit and satellite clock offset for the users needing high accuracy positioning services. This article uses the Beidou/GPS observations of the Beidou Experimental Tracking Stations to realize the Beidou and Beidou/GPS static and kinematic precise point positioning (PPP). The result indicates that the precision of Beidou static and kinematic PPP reaches centimeter level, the precision of combined Beidou/GPS static and kinematic PPP improves than that of both only-Beidou and only-GPS and the convergence time is less than that of both only-Beidou and only-GPS.

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