
Bidirectionally cleaving blunt-ended DNA linkers have been constructed to generate defined nucleotide sequence modifications. The oligodeoxynucleotides (termed ‘excision linkers’), contain two back-to-back recognition sites for class-IIS restriction endonucleases and provide a new instrument for modifying DNA primary structure. Following insertion of these linkers into host DNA, digestion with the cognate class-IIS enzyme results in a cleavage upstream and downstream from the adjoining enzyme recognition sites. Bidirectional cleavage efficiency can be improved by including spacer nucleotides between the two recognition sites. The number of nucleotides removed from or added to the host DNA depends upon the cleavage shift characteristic of the class-IIS enzyme, the design of the linker (including lateral spacer nucleotides to set the cleavage position), and the method used to make blunt ends from staggered ends following excision of the linker. BspMI linkers constructed in this study have been used to generate defined deletions in the Ap R and Tc R genes of pBR322. BsmI excision linkers are also described.

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