
The question, how certain surface layer properties (for example, hardness or roughness) can be specifically influenced in different manufacturing processes, is of great economic interest. A prerequisite for the investigation of the formation of surface layer properties is the metrological assessment of the material stresses during processing. Up to now, no commercial in-process measuring system exists, which is able to determine material stresses in the form of mechanical strains in high-dynamic manufacturing processes with sufficient accuracy. A detailed analysis of the resolution limits shows that speckle photography enables deformation measurements with a resolution in the single-digit nanometer range. Thus, speckle photography basically offers the potential to measure material stresses during processing. Using the example of single-tooth milling, the applicability of speckle photography for in-process stress measurements is demonstrated. Even in such highly dynamic manufacturing processes with cutting speeds up to 10 m/s, the absolute measurement uncertainty of the strain is less than 0.05%. This is more than one order of magnitude lower than the occurring maximal strain. Therefore, speckle photography is suitable for characterizing the dynamic stresses and the material deformations in manufacturing processes.


  • The industrial production of highly stressed components is able to adjust dimensions, shapes or surface geometries with high precision

  • The aim is to describe the functional properties of the component independently of the manufacturing process. This is to be achieved by determining the relationship between the material stress during processing and the modification remaining in the material afterwards

  • The lateral resolution Res in speckle photography is depending on the magnification M of the optics and the size WEW of the evaluation window

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The industrial production of highly stressed components is able to adjust dimensions, shapes or surface geometries with high precision. Surface layer properties such as inherent stresses and hardness, cannot be controlled so far [1]. Precisely these properties are of decisive importance for the service life and operating behavior of the components [2]. The aim is to describe the functional properties of the component independently of the manufacturing process This is to be achieved by determining the relationship between the material stress during processing and the modification remaining in the material afterwards. AAddvvaanncceess iinn llaasseerr aanndd ccaammeerraa tteecchhnnoollooggyy ooppeenn uupp nneeww fifieellddss ooff aapppplliiccaattiioonn ffoorr ssppeecckkllee pphhoottooggrraapphhyy. In order to trigger the deformation measurement on the workpiece in the loaded and unloaded state, an optical marker for a reflex light. In the following subsections the resolutions of the measurement setup are estimated regarding their achieved values as well as their minimal limits

Deformation Resolution
Lateral Resolution
Temporal Resolution
Measurement Uncertainty
Influences of Speckle and Evaluation Window Size
Measurement Uncertainty of the Deformation and the Strain
Performance of the Measurement System
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