
We carry out finite-size extrapolations of numerical-diagonalization data of the S=1 Heisenberg chain having a nonzero energy gap between the unique singlet ground state and the first excited state, namely the Haldane gap. Very precise estimates of the ground-state energy per site Eg/N = −1.4014840447(39) and the staggered component of the magnetic structure factor Sπ = 3.864356(31) at T=0 are successfully obtained from the finite-size data of system sizes up to N = 24 under the twisted boundary condition by the sequence interval squeeze method, which was applied to a precise estimation of the Haldane gap by Nakano and Terai [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 78 (2009) 014003]. The present estimates are compared with other estimates in previous studies from various methods including the quantum Monte Carlo simulation and the density matrix renormalization group calculation.

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