
<h3>Introduction</h3> At the moment, students at universities, colleges and other institutes represent an increasingly large proportion of the total population of young people over 18 years of age. There is a need for injury prevention programs among students at the universities and colleges. For this aim, we must to recognise the epidemiology of injuries among them because physical education students are at risk of injury in the practical class such as gymnastics, football, wrestling, volleyball and basketball or some physical activities. So, their health beliefs and health-related behaviours are important because, as future professionals, senior managers and policy makers, they may be in a position to have an influence over other people9s health and it is very important to future life of them. <h3>Methods</h3> Sports-related injury data were collected from a questionnaire survey during the 2006–2009 academic years from 400 physical education male and female students9 in Islamic Azad University Karaj branch representative severe injuries was defined as any injury that resulted in the loss of more than two weeks of sports participation. <h3>Results</h3> The common sports involved in injuries were football (33%), futsal (24%), basketball (15%), volleyball (11%), tae kwon do (10%) and swimming (7%). The lower limb usually took the brunt of the injuries (57%) followed by the upper limb (28%), head and face (12%) and spinal injuries were relatively uncommon (3%). The majority of the injuries were mild to moderate and the commonest ones were contusion (41%), sprains (22%), wound (19%), strains (11%) and cramp (7%). Some students (38%) reported at least one injury requiring medical attention in year and (62%) of they were self-treated. However, a significant group of more severe injuries was recorded: fracture, dislocation and meniscus injury which demanded special medical attention and longer period for recovery. The preventive aspects of sports injuries was not well recognised with only 40% of the students regularly practicing warm-up exercises, 18% stretching exercises and 4% using protective aids. <h3>Discussion/conclusion</h3> This study indicates that, if programmers have information about injury among university students they can reduces risk of injuries in practical classes especially football, futsal, and other activities that they are high risk sports. So, it is necessary and important for injury prevention programs among students at the universities, colleges and institutes. Programs need to disseminate the risk of disabling injury, particularly that attributable to participation in sport/physical activity. Our results indicates that severe injury rates and patterns varied by sport, gender and type of exposure.

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