
Studies on the precision of age estimates from different structures/readers and growth assessment were undertaken in selected Schizothoracinae fishes. Ageing structures were prepared and read following standard protocols. The maximum ages of the observed Schizopyge curvifrons and Schizopyge niger specimens were 6 years and 5 years of Schizothorax esocinus specimens. Based on the highest percentage of agreement (PA) and the lowest average percentage of error as well as on the values of coefficient of variation between readers, otoliths provided a precise age estimate of S. curvifrons and S. niger individuals, while vertebrae showed a precise age estimate of those of S. esocinus. Among structures, the highest PA was found between otoliths and opercular bones in S. curvifrons, between otoliths and scales in S. niger, and between vertebrae and opercular bones in S. esocinus. Comparable values of mean age estimates were obtained from different structures in specimens of the following species: from otoliths, op...

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