
Regional study on the impact of variations in input rainfall over groundwater quality and its suitability for utilitarian purposes is essential for its extraction and management. Water chemistry from 456 observations wells for 2007–2011 period in hard rock Basaltic terrain of Upper Godavari basin is supported with 8 field samples (in 2014) in this analysis. Based on mean annual rainfall (MAR), four narrow climatic zones are identified in the basin, defined as “humid” (MAR > 1600 mm), “sub-humid” (1600–1000 mm), “semi-arid” (1000–600 mm), and “arid” (MAR 600 mg/L) and not acceptable for drinking. Suitability of groundwater for irrigation is studied using sodium percentage (Na %), Wilcox diagram, sodium absorption ratio (SAR), US salinity diagram, residual sodium carbonate (RSC), permeability index (PI), Kelly’s ratio (KR), ancd magnesium absorption ratio (MgAR). Na % in four zones is 75% (class 1). KR varied from 0.05 to 12.81, with 70–80% of the area having KR < 1. MgAR ratio ranged from 67% to 96%, with sub-humid, humid zones having higher Mg concentrations (increased salinity). Thus, 90% of the samples indicated non-alkaline water with 1% of normal alkalinity. Hence, the current study systematically analyzed the effect of precipitation and geology on groundwater quality and on its usability for various purposes. This stepwise procedure categorized the regions, and the same can be adopted for any regional hydrogeochemical studies.

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