
The present and prospective use of precious metals (platinum and palladium) in catalyst production is analyzed with allowance made for the appearance of new catalytic technologies. The production of precious metal catalysts in Russia is now being curtailed. Russian companies are reconstructing plants that employ precious metal catalysts and bulding new ones in cooperation with foreign partners who will provide advanced technologies and the necessary catalysts. The proportion of imported palladium- and platinum-containing catalysts in Russia remains rather high (as much as 60%). The consumption of precious metals in organic synthesis and in the pharmaceutical industry remains at the level of the 1990s. In this overview, we analyze the possibilities for the wider use of platinum in the design of novel catalysts that could compete with imported analogues, including those for petroleum refining, petroleum chemistry, organic synthesis, and environmental applications. We also cover new areas for Russia: nanocomposites for hydrogen energy, new drugs, and membrane technologies.

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