
The article discusses the precedent toponyms of the Great Silk Road, which constitute the main linguistic and cultural fund of the Kazakh society and take their place in the creation of a toponymic picture of the world in the knowledge of a linguistic personality, as an important fund for the knowledge of members of society. The purpose of the article is to show the features of the use of precedent toponyms of the Great Silk Road in the language and thereby determine the knowledge of a native speaker in creating a toponymic picture of the world. The research work was carried out in the cognitive direction. The author classifies precedent toponyms as a unique linguocultural unit that is inherited from generation to generation and forms a toponymic picture of the world of a native speaker. In the course of the study, attention was drawn to the peculiarity of the precedent toponyms of the Great Silk Road, which are involved in the regulation of communicative norms in the knowledge of the environment by a native speaker, as an important unit. Particular importance is attached to the cognitive function performed as an association, etc. in the disclosure of the national code, use as a standard for naming, according to background knowledge and cognition, contained in precedent toponyms. The function of precedent toponyms in historical texts, works of art, their pragmatic potential is analyzed, their place is determined as a means of conveying the perception of the world accumulated over the centuries in the knowledge of the people. It is argued that the precedent toponyms of the Great Silk Road are the main linguistic and cultural units that form the knowledge base of the nation and carry cultural information, and the cultural codes behind the implicit information are revealed. The conclusions drawn are substantiated by cognitive, comparative and descriptive methods and proved by concrete examples. In addition to the historical text, quotes are taken from the works of famous poets and writers. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that its main results can be used in theoretical courses such as onomastics, cognitive linguistics, cultural linguistics, comparative typology, as well as in seminars on teaching the Kazakh language.

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