
As India continues to experience rapid aging, the traditional joint family system which accorded socioeconomic support for older adults in India, is gradually weakening amidst rapid economic and social changes. With increasing informalization of work in India, declining family support, and the near absence of social security, there is evidence of a growing precarity for older adults who are compelled to engage with the informal labor market for livelihood. A large proportion of the older adult workforce is engaged in poorly paid jobs in the informal sector, either as casual workers or as self-employed in low-skilled or unskilled occupations. In an informal economy characterized by unequal power relations, poor terms and conditions of work, the high proportion of older adults’ labor force participation is concerning as is the evidence that those who were historically, socially, and economically backward are the ones more likely to participate in the labor force at advanced ages. The rather high proportion of older adults working as casual workers is indicative of the lack of other options to withdraw from the labor force due to the near nonexistence of retirement benefits. While, on the one hand, informal employment is highly precarious with older adults being subjected to biased ageist practices; on the other hand, not working or not finding work given the absence of social security and the declining filial support is perilous. This chapter highlights the need for integrated efforts to design and implement policies that can be inclusive, equitable, and supportive to older adults to experience productive aging with guaranteed social security nets that can enable an enhanced quality of life and well-being. The need to recognize and guarantee the freedom of choice and agency that older adults deserve to either continue to work or withdraw from the labor force is underscored.

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