
Abstract Observations of infants and mothers reveal a rhythm of communication that is taking place between them about inner emotional states, not just non-verbal body language, which has the quality of play. This pre-verbal playful rhythm between adult and infant is not only meaningful, it allows them to enjoy each other and be enjoyed and it promotes the infant's sense of self, Research indicates that it is through these interactions that the infant comes into being as a person and eventually is able to communicate their thoughts and feelings. A number of researchers have contributed to this area of work but this paper concentrates particularly on the work of Daniel Stern, and his concept of attunement. Accurate attunement to the infant on the part of the care-giver facilitates the infant's exploration of his/her world. The process of attunement involves both accurate tracking of the other's emotional or thinking self, and also contributing something different to the interaction than mere mimicking. Havi...

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