
In this paper, we introduce the notion of a pre-symplectic algebroid, and show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between pre-symplectic algebroids and symplectic Lie algebroids. This result is the geometric generalization of the relation between left-symmetric algebras and symplectic (Frobenius) Lie algebras. Although pre-symplectic algebroids are not left-symmetric algebroids, they still can be viewed as the underlying structures of symplectic Lie algebroids. %We study three classes of pre-symplectic algebroids in detail. Then we study exact pre-symplectic algebroids and show that they are classified by the third cohomology group of a left-symmetric algebroid. Finally, we study para-complex pre-symplectic algebroids. Associated to a para-complex pre-symplectic algebroid, there is a pseudo-Riemannian Lie algebroid. The multiplication in a para-complex pre-symplectic algebroid characterizes the restriction to the Lagrangian subalgebroids of the Levi-Civita connection in the corresponding pseudo-Riemannian Lie algebroid.

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