
Abstract A pre-outbreak management strategy was developed for 60-yr-old declining natural stands of scarlet and black oak. The series of management alternatives which maximized the net present worth of these stands growing on a moderate-quality site specifies individual-tree selective thinnings at ages 40 and 50, shelterwood cut at age 60, and final harvest at age 63. This strategy yielded the highest NPW of $331.77/ac, 8.3 mbf of sawlogs, and approximately 15 cords of pulpwood while reducing tree mortality by 20% over unmanaged stands. Recommendations for forest managers include as first priority the removal of oaks with 30% or greater crown dieback, and secondly, the removal of smaller diameter, overtopped scarlet and black oaks. North. J. Appl. For. 11(3):98-101.

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